2020-10-23_01 Market Notice AIX Changes Trading Hours for RUSB, RUSE, IXU, IXA, IXE, IXB, IXO, IXT, IXD, IXY, IXG and FAR

2020-10-23_01 Market Notice AIX Changes Trading Hours for RUSB, RUSE, IXU, IXA, IXE, IXB, IXO, IXT, IXD, IXY, IXG and FAR

Market Notice- AIX Changes Trading Hours- pdf

AIX hereby informs Market Participants that starting from October 26, 2020 the Trading Hours on AIX trading platform for Securities with trading symbols RUSB, RUSE, IXU, IXA, IXE, IXB, IXO, IXT, IXD, IXY, IXG and FAR will be changed as follows:

07:00System available for member connectivity (unchanged)
07:15GTC / GTD orders submitted to Central Order Book. Order book are now displayed. (unchanged)
12:30Pre-opening * (12:00 currently)
13:00Opening Auction ** (12:30 currently)
13:00Continuous Trading (12:30 currently)
16:45Pre-close * (unchanged)
17:00Closing Auction ** (unchanged)
17:00Trading-At-Last *** (unchanged)
17:05Market Close (unchanged)
17:20System Close (unchanged)

 * Order submission only, no matching. Market orders are not accepted during the pre-opening.

  ** With up to 30-second randomization.

*** Trading at the closing price only.

All times= Nur-Sultan time

Please contact AIX CSD, +77172 235 317 / +77172 235 302, or email, [email protected], for additional settlement and allocation information. Please contact AIX Market Operations and On-Boarding Department by phone, +77172 647300, or email, [email protected], for additional trading information.