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Index Overview

Index description

AIX Qazaq Index is a rules-based, float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted equity index. The Index is comprised of securities of Kazakhstani companies traded on Astana International Exchange (“AIX”), Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (“KASE”) and London Stock Exchange (“LSE”). Kazakhstani companies include those either registered in Kazakhstan or whose business income is generated partially or fully in Kazakhstan or substantial amount of operational activity is located in Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the Index is to measure price changes of shares traded on AIX, KASE and LSE, which have satisfied criteria for inclusion into the index basket. The Index is primarily created for improving the investment process, through measuring performances of the most liquid segment of the Kazakhstan capital market and the possibility of comparing potential investment strategies with the Index.

AIX Qazaq Index is a price index and it is not adjusted for dividends paid and is not protected against dilution caused by dividend pay-outs.

Quick facts

Weighting SchemeFloat-adjusted market capitalization and liquidity score method
Rebalancing FrequencyQuarterly
Number of Constituents12
Calculation FrequencyEnd of day
Calculation CurrencyKZT
Launch Date2 July 2021
Base Date1 July 2021
Base Value1

Index constituents as of 28 June 2024

Halyk Bank15.00%
NAC Kazatomprom15.00%
Central Asia Metal3.02%
Bank CenterCredit 4.24%
Air Astana4.45%

Index Methodology