2020-06-23_01 Market Notice AIX CSD User Committee

2020-06-23_01 Market Notice AIX CSD User Committee

Market Notice AIX CSD User Committee-pdf

Pursuant to Rule 1.5.6 of the AIX CSD Business Rules, the AIX CSD hereby informs its Participants as follows:

The AIX CSD hereby establishes a User Committee.

The AIX CSD User Committee is established for the purpose to provide non-binding opinions to the AIX CSD Board of Directors on key areas of the AIX CSD activity that impact the participants of the AIX CSD.

The AIX CSD User Committee acts in accordance with the Terms of Reference which are available on the www.aix.kz in the Clearing & Settlement section.

The User Committee provides independent advice to the AIX CSD Board of Directors, on key arrangements that impact the participants, i.e.:

  • criteria for accepting participants,
  • service level, including relevant significant developments needed to adapt to legal, regulatory, IT or other market changes impacting the way participants interact with the AIX CSD,
  • review of the AIX CSD rules and procedures,
  • proposed changes or additions to the AIX CSD fee schedule.

 If your company is interested in participating in the AIX CSD User Committee, please send the name, surname and email address of the employee who will participate on behalf of your company to the User Committee secretary to [email protected] before 07 July, 2020.

Information about upcoming meetings of the AIX CSD User Committee and all necessary materials will be sent by the User Committee secretary to the email addresses of your designated User Committee members. 

Should you have any questions in relation to this Notice please feel free to contact AIX CSD at [email protected].