2019-04-15_01_Debt Listing Fees for Tap Issues

2019-04-15_01_Debt Listing Fees for Tap Issues

Market Notice – AIX Announcement Debt Listing Fees for Tap Issues –pdf

Further to Market Notice 2019-02-13_01 on AIX 2019 Fee schedule, AIX hereby informs Market Participants and Custodians that the following fees will apply for tap issues:

Initial Listing Fee



For the review of the initial prospectus and listing application

Additional Listing Fee



For the review of the prospectus to be published and listing documents for each new tap issue

Initial Admission to Trading



Annual Admission to Trading



Please contact AIX Market Operations and On-Boarding Department by phone,
+77172 64 73 00, or email, mktops@aix.kz, for additional trading information.
Please contact AIX CSD by phone, +77172 23 53 02/ + 77172 23 53 79, or email, ptd@aix.kz, for additional settlement information.