In recent years investors all over the world have become more focused on ESG criteria in making investment decisions. As a result, many businesses have begun to integrate ESG into their operations and business strategies. AIX is pleased to be in line with the trend providing an opportunity to invest in sustainable development through the line of products available.

AIX expanded the range of responsible financing products by introducing ESG-Labelled Bonds.
On December 5, 2022, AIX introduced a new chapter to the AIX Business Rules on issuance and listing of ESG-Labelled Bonds using “open architecture” structure. This structure gives flexibility to issuers to attract responsible financing for their sustainability-linked projects through a wider range of instruments under internationally recognized standards. The ESG-Labelled Bonds may include social and sustainable and other ESG-labelled bonds such as blue bonds, transition bonds and sustainability-linked bonds on AIX.

In November 2023 the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) has announced its intention to purchase sustainability-linked (SLB) bonds to be issued by the Almaty Power Plants JSC (AlES), a subsidiary of Samruk-Energo JSC, the largest electric power holding in Kazakhstan, to finance the reconstruction of Almaty СРH plant, under the KZT 236.8 billion ESG Bond Programme on AIX.
It is expected the AlES SLB bonds to become the largest issuance of sustainable development bonds in Central Asia, and the successful implementation of the project shall contribute to the greater efficiency of Almaty city’s energy system and improvement of the environmental conditions in the area.
In November 2021 “Samruk-Energy” JSC, 100% subsidiary of “Sovereign Wealth Fund “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC, listed with AIX its debut Green Bond in the amount of KZT18.4bn maturing November 2028 with the coupon rate of 11.40%. The full amount was raised on AIX via book-building.
In August 2020, Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund listed Kazakhstan’s first-ever “green” bonds on the AIX as part of an agreement with the UNDP to promote investment in renewable energy sources as risk free. The “Green” coupon bonds are worth KZT 200 mln. and due to mature in 36 months.
The purpose of the bonds was to provide loans to Kazakhstan companies working with renewable energy.