November 2021 AIX Market Overview

07 December 2021

Traded Value on AIX

In November 2021, the total traded value on AIX was USD 31,839,858, 2.2 times higher than the previous month. Equity instruments traded in excess of USD13.2 million, establising November as the best month of 2021.

Issuers, trading participants & investor accounts

As of the end of November 2021, 125 issues of securities from 81 different issuers were included in the AIX official list, including 2 ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) and 16 ETNs (Exchange Traded Notes). AIX trading participants comprise 18 Kazakhstani and 11 international brokers. More than 155 thousand investor accounts have been opened in the AIX Central Securities Depository.

In November, a number of debt issuers were added to the AIX official list. The Eurasian Development Bank issued social bonds in the amount of 20 billion KZT; the funds raised will be used to develop EDB’s social projects implemented in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Samruk-Energy, JSC placed green bonds in the amount of 18.4 billion KZT, the proceeds from the placement will be used to finance green projects in accordance with the Green Bonds Principles (GBP) of the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA). Megastroy LLP, a subsidiary of BI Group successfully placed 3.5 billion KZT bond, their second tranche under a 9-year 20 billion KZT bond program. In addition, Kaz Financials Exchange Traded Notes linked to the performance of the shares of Kazakhstani banks: Halyk Bank, Bank CenterCredit and Kaspi were issued in cooperation with BCC Invest.

Eurasian Resources Group chose AIX as the main platform for the future placement of shares for its subsidiaries: the shares of Sokolovsko-Sarbayskoye Mining and Processing Production Association, JSC; Kachary Ruda, JSC and Eurasian Energy, JSC were included in the Pre-IPO sector in November.

At the end of November, the total equity market capitalization of companies listed on AIX (Kazatomprom, Polymetal, Halyk Bank, Ferro-Alloy Resources Limited, Bank CenterCredit, and Kcell) exceeded USD 49 billion.

AIXQI index

In November, the AIXQI index decreased by 3.05%, from 1173.98 to 1138.21 points, 5 out of 8 index constituents ended the month in negative territory amid uncertainty in the market caused by the spread of the new omicron coronavirus strain. Shares of banking sector companies included in the AIXQI index ended the month in different directions—the top performer was Bank CenterCredit, which grew by 43%, and it ultimately led to an increase in the bank’s quotes by 6.33%.
While shares of Halyk Bank and Kaspi were lagging behind, showing a decline of 8.49% and 8.98%, respectively. KazTransOil shares rose by 3.13% in November as the market reacted positively to the company’s official statement on expanding the scope of its activities, ignoring a 5.1% decrease in the company’s consolidated net profit for the first 3 quarters of 2021. Despite Kazatomprom’s announcement on signing an investment agreement with Genchi Global Limited to invest in the ANU Energy physical uranium fund, registered on AIFC, as well as the agreement to supply natural uranium concentrate to large Chinese energy companies, share price of the national company at the end of the month showed a decrease of 3.7%. Metals sector shares ended November with little change : Polymetal increased by 0.49%, while Central Asia Metal declined by 1.76%. Kazakhtelecom shares were the least volatile in November and ended the month with a slight decline of 0.55%.